OK, I swear to god I didn't predict 2006 to become the most fulfilling and successful year of my life. I don't know how so many things accumulated at once, sitting here looking back I can do nothing but marvel about it. I'm trying to process what happened here so you guys can actually laugh at my lucky ass, while I'm still sitting here shaking my head in amazement.
1. So, things kickstart off pretty crazy in febuary, when I made a trip to germany to visit my friend Nic Klein (fucking awesome artist | check his work on www.nic-klein.com) and hang out with him for a while. One night in the kitchen he challenges me to some cheezy art match, redesigning classic Marvel Villians. Because there is a retarded nerd hiding under my otherwise exalted appearance, I end up redesigning 18 original X-men characters who can be seen here:
I post them on some boards on the net once they are done. They get into the fangs of some hardcore comic fans, who start ripping them apart. People are actually brewing shitstorms against me, I get tons of beautiful hate-mail with recommendations on how to improve my designs skills, if I ever want to make it in the comic industry. Well, well, I think to myself, let's go better eat a sandwich :D
2. Next thing you know I get a call from Marvel. Somehow the X-Men redesigns managed to be seen by the editors in charge and they are offering me a job. I'm like "whoa"! I already keep laughing to myself about all the haters, the flamewars and whatnot, while I'm getting the chance to start working on my first cover gig. X-23, check out the final a few posts below.
3. Right at the same time I meet the girl of my life. It's may now and as if the Marvel gig and my day job at Massive Black isn't enough, I run into the one person I want to spend the rest of my breathing days with. I gasp. For the first time in ages, I am actually freaking out every single minute during the day. I roll around sleepless, we talk on the fone 5 hours a day, I can't eat, can't talk to noone, and on top of that, I'm so sure she's the right one that I want to marriy her on the spot!
4. I gotta move back to Europe I say. Everything starts hammering down on me when my girl and I trip to Berlin in the middle of the World Cup and spend the most beautiful summer ever together. Germany is exploding from the sheer mass of soccer fans coming from all corners of the planet to watch a ball being kicked from one end of the field to the other. We're exploding from sheer love. But will I be able to leave my friends in San Francisco forever? Will I be able to kick my conceptart job just like that? I don't care. She is the only thing that matters to me and if I have to fucking live like a poor drunkass in Jakarta with her, peeling fishcrust from my last tooth just to survive, I don't care. I just know that Love matters more then anything else.
5. August. So, I quit Massive Black and make my way back home. Bye bye San Francisco, I didn't like you anyway. At the same time I'm 6 covers deep into Marvel. They are testing my strengths and my weaknesses, when at once they come along offering me a 3 year exclusive contract. I'm like "whoa"!
What a fucking timing, my ass!!! I can move back to Berlin and have a secure job??? What a lucky fucktard I am!!!
6. Fast forward to december. I get our new Studio set up, headquaters for my better half and me in europe's most beautiful metropolis. I travel back and forth between Berlin and Belgrade, setting up shop and feeling peaceful at the first time in ages, even though everything rushes by in hypervelocity. In the time from august to december, I manage to add another 30 painted Marvel Covers to my portfolio. A feast that I wasn't even sure I was capable off. Guess you got nothing to fear if you got the gear? Or nothing to loose if you have the booze?
Anyways, I keep pushing myself to the limit, and my girl is the nectar to my success. I wake up every morning with my hands on fire. I want to create 24/7. She is my muse, my inspiration and my will to make the impossible possible.
7. Still december and things are spinning out of control now. Together with my friend Thomas Murphy we found the company SIXMOREVODKA Ltd&co.Kg, an art label and publishing facility, focusing on creating high end art books, prints, merchandise and fashion with a spin. Website, Artbooks etc. hit production behind closed doors and will be unveiled on the internet in a month or two (You better keep checking back on updates right here).
8. My DVD goes on SALE. Finally. Next thing you know you can buy Marko Djurdjevic Action-Figures with different clothing styles. I'm happy it's done, I'm happy it's over. And there is still sooo much left to do. I need to fly to San Francisco for the next Workshop, BUT FIRST, I need to do what a man needs to do...
9. ...GET MARRIED! I make Jelena my wife. Because she is the best thing that ever happened to me...
Long story short, it was quite a year. And I have the feeling this is just the beginning. 2007 may come, I'm braced for impact :P