Wednesday, September 06, 2006


This was the first cover I was assigned to do as a test for Marvel Comics a couple of months back. They just recently decided to use it for their X-23 series. Like all of my covers I did for them this one took 2 days from initial sketch to finish. I always try to get as far as I can on a cover the first day I work on it, I easily spend 12-16 hours non-stop fudging around, so I can relax on the second day of work and just work on details and graphic design here and there. It keeps my eye fresh and I focus on the really important parts of the image. Does it have BEEF?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

have beef? more like, a herd of cattle. ;)

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

internet beef anyone?

3:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey marko, did you get in a bar fight or something?
Hope you're doing ok. Good luck next week :)

6:53 PM  
Blogger Justin said...

Hmm, a few issues I have with it (If you don't mind) are the lips, they seem sort of flat- and I think the nose would look better if it were slightly smaller (more feminine, you know?) I think you should use the face you did for the redesign as reference, I thought all of those faces were perfect representations of each character.

Are there going to be any more?

5:47 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

Hola Marko.

Tu trabajo es excelente. Soy fan de Daredevil y tus portadas para esta coleccion son geniales.
Intento ser un dibujante como tu pero me faltan como 20 years.

Congrats from Argentina

5:27 AM  
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3:20 AM  

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